Calgary Hydroseeding
Your Professional Hydroseeders
We're proud to be the industry leaders in Western Canada, leading the way in quality Hydroseeding with the results that matter. We have worked closely with the Government of Canada to establish reclamation areas after forest fires, flooding and erosion damages. So whether you are installing a new lawn, repairing an older lawn, or simply curious about this method, we’re happy to answer all of your Hydroseeding questions and help you decide if this is the right service for you. Hydroseeding is a complicated topic and we want to make sure you grass-p the basics so you can make the best choice for your lawn needs!
We’ve helped thousands of customers with their hydroseeding needs and have had beautiful results, which is why we recommend this method over sod or grass seed lawn installation.
Calgary Lawn Solutions provides Hydroseeding , Erosion Control and Hydro Mulching services throughout Calgary and across Alberta. Lush, green grass gives the impression of a well taken care of home - especially in Calgary. Whether you need turf for a new construction project, a specific area of your existing yard, or completely starting your lawn over. We can handle all of your needs. We specialize in hydroseeding installation for both residential homes and commercial properties. From subgrade drainage to even, well-rooted, green Calgary grass - we’ve got you covered.
Calgary Lawn Solutions Inc. has continued to keep Alberta green. Our qualified and expert land reclamation and land remediation team works with commercial, residential, industrial and municipal clients to re-vegetate existing and new construction sites throughout Alberta.
What Is Hydroseeding
Simply put, it’s an efficient, high quality, and inexpensive alternative method of seeding a lawn. Technically, it’s the process of combining a mixture called a “slurry” (seed, mulch, fertilizer, soil amendments, and water) in a Hydroseeder tank, and then applying that mixture to the intended surface using high pressure. The hydroseeder keeps the slurry evenly mixed.
This causes speedy seed germination and stops erosion in its tracks! In the best scenarios, a new lawn will start to sprout in only a week, but in most cases, it will take 2-3 weeks to germinate. You will typically see sprouting in 1 to 2 weeks.
The method of using a hydroseeding tank to combine a seed mixture with water and apply it under pressure is used for things other than just grass, like wildflowers or oats. At Calgary Lawn Solutions Hydroseeding, we only use top quality wood-based hydro-mulches and tackifiers that are far superior than less expensive paper mulches. The Wood Fiber Mulch provides excellent erosion control, moisture retention and helps prevent pests from getting to the seed to provide an ideal growing environment for the grass seed. Wood fiber hydro-mulches also have a much greater water retention for quick germination and growth, and prevents soil erosion from wind and water. We are proud to provide a generous portion of Canadian Certified Grass Seed that has the highest retaining germination rate in the industry with a 99.9% purity rate to ensure the highest success rates and reduced weeds. Hydroseeding and hydro-mulching can be used in all types of residential and commercial construction grass seeding projects, oil and gas site reclamation, slope protection and ditch erosion control, or even to replace an old expired lawn. Hydroseeding is a fast, easy and economical alternative to sodding. You can have a beautiful, healthy, durable lawn at a fraction of the cost of sodding.
Why not just hand seed?
A common problem with hand seeding is grass grows tends to grow in patches, leaving one’s yard full of unattractive bald spots. Sod is likely to show unsightly seams that detract from the lawn’s overall beauty. Hydroseeding, however, results in a thick, full yard with even growth. This is thanks to interwoven fibers that serve to create the perfect growing environment, one that is completely devoid of bald spots and seams.
Hydroseeding grows fast!
The work involved with hand seeding or laying sod often leaves people anxious to enjoy the results of their labor. Unfortunately, homeowners in Calgary are looking at several weeks before they can relax on the lawn. That is unless one decides on hydraulic mulch seeding, a process in which the seeds germinate faster. The result is a beautiful lawn one can enjoy before the end of summer.
Healthier Lawns
A key factor attributed to rich green grass is deep roots; the deeper the root system the more likely grass will receive the moisture and nutrients needed. Hand seeded grass and sod may never develop a root system deep enough to benefit from the nutrients and moisture found further within the ground. Thus, hydroseeding results in green and healthy grass whereas hand seeded and sod grass may have brown patches and bald spots.
Erosion Control
Erosion is a serious issue for residential homes and businesses alike, one that can result in structural damage. Unfortunately, the most common causes of erosion are difficult to control such as:
That said, hydraulic mulch seeding does indeed combat erosion by holding moisture in and protecting the soil from these destructive forces. This is thanks to the slurry used in hydraulic mulch seeding which binds the mix to the surface soil.
Environmentally Friendly
One of the greatest benefits for homeowners in Calgary is that hydraulic mulch seeding is environmentally safe. In fact, this form of planting a lawn is safe for:
The Environment
Alas, hand seeding and sod may involve chemicals that might prove dangerous to families and their pets, not to mention the lasting effect on Mother Nature. In a day and age of growing awareness, that is an advantage few are going to overlook. That said, while this is indeed a redeeming quality, there are several other reasons for trying the hydraulic mulch seeding process.
Get your yard looking its absolute best with custom landscaping solutions from Calgary Lawn Solutions Inc. or give us a call us at 587.899.8357
Is hydroseeding right for you?
Hydroseeding allows you to grow your lawn and strengthen the topsoil for strong, healthy growth, but it’s not for everyone. (Yes, there are still times when sod or dry seed may be the better option.) Now that you have an understanding of what a hydroseeded lawn is and how hydroseeding works, you can decide whether this landscaping solution is the best for your property. If you have large areas of temperamental turf, then read on for what to consider before hiring Calgary Lawn Solutions hydroseeding services to help your lawn.
Hydroseeding grass costs less than sod installation but can’t deliver instant gratification.
According to the International Association of Hydroseeding Professional (IAHP), hydroseeding typically costs from $.07 to $.22 per square foot. Its prices vary depending on conditions such as grass type, soil additives, environment (sun/ shade), location, accessibility, slope / grade
Some jobs are better left to the pros. Receive a free, no-commitment estimate
Once the process is complete, “It takes 30 to 40 days for the lawn to come in, and you have to baby it to get it to come in thick,” says Bryan Clayton, cofounder of the lawn maintenance matching service GreenPal. This means that you will need to keep all foot traffic off the area where hydroseed is applied to ensure the grass seeds germinate. You should be able to resume mowing your grass four to six weeks after seeding your lawn.
While not instantaneous, hydraulic mulch seeding strikes a balance between cost-effective and faster growing time than other germination methods. Sod, for example, is the go-to choice for homeowners looking to have an “instant lawn” because the mature sod lawn is harvested from a farm and planted at your home. These immediate results come at a steep installation price tag of $1 to $2 per square foot
The best places to hydroseed the lawn include large areas, slopes, and other areas where you need erosion control. Hydroseeding isn’t the most economical approach for a small area due to its specialized equipment cost. (For reference, each tank of hydroseed can cover up to 3,500 square feet or more.) Ideal areas for hydroseeding include:
Large areas with 3,500 square feet of lawn or more.
Steep slopes where sod lawn or other germination techniques won’t work.
Areas with lots of soil erosion from wind, water, or pests
Area for a custom seed blend such as sulphate tolerant for our harsh soil conditions in and around the Calgary Area, low mow and water saver blends, ect
The value of hydroseeding is in the labor savings, as it doesn’t require an entire landscaping crew to spend hours applying seed.
What type of turf to choose
Every turf variety has its own unique features and benefits and it’s important to choose the right turf for your lifestyle needs. There are various characteristics to consider before you purchase your lawn and seeing the options side by side can help take out the guesswork and make the right decision.
Some questions to consider include:
Is it a high or low traffic area?
Does your space have full sun or is it shady?
Ongoing maintenance?
Do you have kids or pets?
What colour and texture would you like?
What is the space most commonly used for?
Calgary Lawn Solutions Premium Dream Blend
#1 selling and best performing turfgrass for residential home lawns in Calgary
Drought tolerant
Perfect for kids & dogs
Self repairing
Low maintenance
Loves heat & full sun
Low allergy
Broad, soft leaf
King of turf for shade
Higher upfront cost, but less maintenance costs over the lifetime of your lawn
Calgary Lawn Solutions Chinook Blend
Ideal for residential, courtyard or pool
Not suitable for dogs
50% less mowing than other turf types
Slow growing turf
Low allergy
Low nutrient requirements
Automatic irrigation recommended
Low water once established
Calgary Lawn Solutions Tuff Turf Blend
Drought tolerant
Fine leaf, dense growth
Aggressive growth
Great for kids and dogs
Highly resistant to most common insects & pests
Fast to self repair
Great for a backyard play
Still have questions?
No worries, we’re here to help. You can contact our expert team for advice. We are a proud member of International Association of Hydroseeding Professionals, BBB and Landscape Alberta
Believe it or not, there are many ways to lay a new lawn. Today we look at two common methods. The first is what’s known as hydroseeding. In this method, a combination of seed, water, fertilizer and tracking dye is sprayed on top of topsoil through a cannon or hose, resulting in an efficient way of planting new grass. While it may take longer for your lawn to grow this way, hydroseeding is a cost-effective option, particularly when covering large surface areas or slopes.
The second method, known as solid turfing, is the direct application of an already established root system in the form of sod or turf grass onto your prepared site of topsoil. Solid turf will come in a slab cut form, where it can be laid straight onto prepared soil. Laying solid turf will give you instant results (which is why it’s also known as instant turf), is low-maintenance and is perfect if you’re wanting to spruce up or repair your lawn with little wait time. The greatest benefit of instant turf is how quick it will establish, and how little water it requires during this process.
Comparing lawn solutions
Before you sit down to compare the sums between solid turfing and hydroseeding, there are a few key things to consider:
Both lawn solutions, while different in their application, have the same end result - a great looking lawn.
There are two very different time frames in which you are working with; One is significantly longer in establishment timeframes, while the other is virtually instantaneous.
The variations in the process and maintenance required to establish a usable turf surface differ between the two methods. One requires regular upkeep while the other is easier to maintain in its aftercare.
The level of agronomic knowledge you or your team have to manage and troubleshoot seeded areas to gain the desired result.
There is also the issue of cost. While hydroseeding may be cost-effective, it takes longer to see results. Whereas solid turf may have instant results, depending on turf quality and labour costs, it may end up as the more expensive solution - especially for large scale areas.
Hydroseeding - Is it worth the wait?
By using the hydroseeding turfing method, you will save money but at the expense of a lengthier waiting time. Seeding a new lawn can be an exercise in patience, with seeds generally germinating around days five to seven. The time it takes to nurture a seeded or hydroseeded lawn surface can be anywhere from 6-12 months. However, if you are wanting to revegetate or cover a vast area quickly, then hydroseeding is a better option than other direct, traditional methods of seeding. It is also a more convenient way to revegetate areas that are hard to access, such as slopes and hillsides.
Laying solid turf - is it worth the expense?
With instant turf, you significantly reduce any establishment risk - guaranteeing an instant result from your money and time invested. In the case of re-turfing a sporting facility, using solid turf to replace or repair the surface will reduce time out of play and provide a quick and easy lawn solution - reducing costs and stress in the short and long-run.
Solid turf systems also have an immediate visual impact (don’t underestimate the non-dollar value of that instant ‘’wow’’ factor!), delivering desired results for the client/ customer/community straight away.
Lawn costs and maintenance
With councils and developers placing tighter constraints on new turf areas, you need to consider installation process and establishment costs and the ongoing input costs for irrigation, fertiliser, herbicides etc. The labour-intensive hours required to then establish and maintain the area must also be considered during the tender process.
Watering and fertilization
Solid turf varieties need to be watered immediately after being rolled out, in order to avoid the grass from drying out and dying. In the weeks that follow, solid turf needs frequent watering to maintain its health and success. This can be tedious, depending on the type of solid turf you invest in.
Solid turfing grass varieties automatically eliminates many of those uncontrollable risks associated with turf establishment. For example, the water requirements of C4 warm season hard turf surfaces as compared to C3 cool-season grass can be up to 66% less, pending seasonal conditions.
The first fertilization generally only requires one application on installation, a second application 4-6 weeks post-installation, and then, generally an application in Autumn and Spring thereafter.
Why choose hydroseeding to establish a lawn instead of sod or dry grass seeding?
What is Hydroseeding?
Hydroseeding is a soil stabilization technique that originated in the United States in the 1940s. Hydroseeding is also called hydromulching and hydraulic mulch seeding. This method of planting is a way to grow grass and reduce erosion. It is one of the fastest and most cost-effective strategies for achieving and maintaining a healthy lawn all year round. It’s a way to plant grass over large areas or on slopes that are difficult to plant. Instead of scattering grass seed over the area that needs planting, or laying down sod, hydroseeding involves using a slurry of seed, water, mulch, fertilizer, tackifiers, lime, polymers for moisture retention, and biostimulants.
The slurry is continuously mixed and transported in a tank similar to that of a concrete mixer, as it’s constantly mixing up the slurry to keep all materials evenly combined. This slurry is sprayed through a hose with a specialized nozzle, or for very large areas, an aircraft such as a helicopter may be used.
Why Choose Hydroseeding for Your Lawn?
This method may give you the best chance of a beautiful lawn in the long term. With hydroseeding, a healthy lawn can be planted on almost any kind of surface. Grass can grow quickly and thrive with this technique, even if the land is uneven or has a slope. It’s easy to fill in patchy areas by simply respraying the mixture over the affected area.
Your grass seed will be shielded from wind, soil erosion, and sunlight with a combination of mulch and moisture. The mixture used in hydromulch grass releases a variety of nutrients designed to help your seeds thrive. When a fairly large area of ground has to be planted in grass, it is a quick solution to establish healthy turf. Hydroseeding also helps crowd out and reduce the presence of weeds in your lawn.
This proven process has been around for more than a half-century and is the best way to get fast and widespread ground cover. Hydroseeders hydraulically spray hydromulch, seed, fertilizer and additives. Hydroseeding is ideal for inactive lots, backyards, front entrances and paths. The cost does tend to be more expensive than planting dry seed, but the process is considerably cheaper than planting with sod.
Biodiversity Leads to Resilience and Soil Health!
Using only one type of grass creates a monoculture. Monocultures are more susceptible to disease and pests than mixtures. A mix of different types of seeds promotes diverse soil bacteria that protect plants and supply them with nutrients. Homeowners and property managers should always use a blend of different types of grass for lawns. With hydroseeding, you can create your own seed mixture. Discuss your needs with your service provider so they can select a mixture of grass species that suits your property and personal preferences. These lawns will be more attractive, as you can orchestrate exactly the color and texture of grass that you want.
Hydroseeding is Excellent for Large Spaces
You can save money by choosing to hydroseed your yard – the bigger your property, the more you can save. Consider the amount of labor involved in rolling out and installing sod over expansive spaces.
Hydroseeding is an effective solution for mitigating soil erosion. When you lay down the slurry mixture over a steep slope in danger of eroding, the seed takes root quickly, offering a fast solution to the problem of loose ground and potential landslides.
The Process of Hydroseeding – How It’s Done
Technicians must first prepare the soil to get the ground ready to apply the seed with the best possible chance of fast and healthy germination. Be sure to grade the soil away from structures before spraying the hydroseeding slurry next to a building. The grade should drop by at least two inches every 100 feet. This will prevent the slurry moisture from running towards the building and causing moisture damage.
Then you’ll schedule a time for the technician to return with the hydroseeding truck, to apply the slurry using a hose and nozzle. The service will likely post signs or barriers around the area, so people will know not to step onto the field or lawn while the new grass is getting started.
The fertilizer in the slurry mixture boosts growth, the mulch bonds the seeds to the soil, protects them from the elements (like wind or too much sunlight), and ultimately adds extra nutrients by decomposing and feeding soil microbes.
Keep in mind that soil preparation is important so you should try to follow the instructions given to you by the technician you hire as closely as possible.
Once the slurry is mixed, the application must happen quickly. The seed can’t stay within the hydroseeding equipment for longer than an hour or it may be damaged by the fertilizer and water it’s mixed with.
If you are looking to plant a large area of land, hydroseeding is a great alternative to broadcast seeding or drill seeding. Hydroseeding can be completed in a few hours, depending on the size of the project. Germination rates are quicker with hydroseeding as opposed to broadcast seeding, as the seed is protected and has the proper moisture and nutrients to thrive. Typically, under ideal conditions, germination will begin in 3-4 days, with a full lush lawn in about 28 days.
Hydroseeding is also very effective for erosion control of hillsides, slopes and tough landscapes that are hard to access, or may have excessive runoff. The mulch and tackifier in the slurry stabilize the soil, and prevent soil from eroding from wind and water. In contrast to laying sod, hydroseeding will not slough. This can be a big problem when laying sod on a slope. With excessive moisture, the sod pieces will begin to slide down the slope, resulting in a very uneven and patchy lawn.
Calgary Lawn Solutions Hydroseeding specializes in residential, commercial and oilfield hydroseeding and landscape applications. Calgary Lawn Solutions Hydroseeding & Landscaping is your dedicated hydroseeding company in Southern Alberta. We are capable of tackling any size of job and our focus on workmanship and customer satisfaction is second to none.
Calgary Lawn Solutions is a family-owned & operated Landscape Construction Calgary based business. With an extensive background in Agriculture, Horticulture and Geotechincal Engineering, we have specialized knowledge and a unique skill-set to successfully “grow grass” for any kind of project.
Calgary Lawn Solutions Hydroseeding is committed to a Safe Workplace for our employees and our customers.